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Fuzhou Jinquan Metallurgical Machinery Equipment Co.,Ltd
Fujian Tianfeng Machinery Co., Ltd.
Address: No. 301, Xujia Village, Jingxi Town, Minhou County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China
Fuxing Avenue, Jinan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China
What are the components of Steel hot rolling mill machines
Steel hot rolling mill machines can be generally divided into two major parts: main equipment and auxiliary equipment.
The mechanical equipment that plastically deforms the metal between the rotating rolls becomes the main equipment, referred to as Steel hot rolling mill machines. It includes the main motor, the main transmission device (reducer, turbine base, coupling and connecting shaft, etc.) and three parts of the working frame.
In the rolling process, in addition to the main equipment, all Steel hot rolling mill machines used to complete the production tasks of auxiliary processes are auxiliary equipment. It includes: transport equipment; such as rails for longitudinal transport of rolling stock, lift tables for vertical transport of rolling stock, steel drawing machines and steel transfer machines for transverse transport of rolling stock; processing equipment, such as shearing machines and sawing machines for cutting rolling stock , straightening machines for straightening rolled pieces, coilers for coiling and tying pieces; other finishing equipment, such as steel turning machines for turning rolled pieces, rotary tables for rotating rolled pieces, and cooling beds for cooling rolled pieces; and Various machinery and equipment used in collection, pickling, printing, packaging and other processes.
Generally speaking, the higher the level of Steel hot rolling mill machines, the greater the proportion of the weight of auxiliary equipment to the total weight of the workshop machinery and equipment. Therefore, the application degree of auxiliary equipment is also one of the important indicators of the degree of mechanization in the rolling process.