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Fuzhou Jinquan Metallurgical Machinery Equipment Co.,Ltd

Fujian Tianfeng Machinery Co., Ltd. 


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Address: No. 301, Xujia Village, Jingxi Town, Minhou County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China
           Fuxing Avenue, Jinan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China


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Laying head Used for Wire Rod Rolling Mill Production Line


Laying head Used for Wire Rod Rolling Mill Production Line

Product description

Pinch roller and laying head used for high-speed wire rod production line, product size for: Φ5.5-16, rolling speed up to 90 m/s;

pinch roller and laying head used for common wire rod production line, product size for:Φ5.5-10 , Rolling speed up to 30 m/s;



Common wire rod production line

   The products are common wire rod of Φ5.5-Φ12mmand steel grade is general carbon steel, high quality carbon steel, low alloy steel. The size of billet is 150×150×6000mm (or less), and of 1 ton weight (or less). The maximum rolling speed is 29m/s. The annual production capacity is about200,000-300,000 tons with double strand rolling.

   The feature of common wire rod production line is double strand rolling. The main equipment of the wire rod production line includes horizontal two high openable housing mill stand of 550-280 size, disk type flying shear, dividing flying shear, water cooling box, pinch roll, laying head and loop cooling roller table, coil collection station, and semi-auto tying machine etc. The binary mandrill coil collection station and semi-auto tying machine which we developed not only satisfies the customersdemands, but reduces the purchase cost of user as well.



The high speed wire rod production line

   The products are Φ5.5-Φ20mm high precision and excellent quality wire rod. Steel gradehigh quality carbon steel, low alloy steel, spring steel and alloy steel etc., billet size is 150×150×12000mm, and the weight of the products are 2 tons. The maximum roll speed is 95-110m/s and the annual output is 600,000~800,000 tons.

   The main equipment of the high-speed wire rod production line:

Horizontal or vertical housing less stand mills of 650mm-350mm size (or with 650-350 housing stand), crop/chopping shear, water cooling box (TMT) device, Cantilever type pre-finishing mill of 285 roll size, 45°twist free heavy duty 10 stands finishing block, pinch roll, laying head and controlled loop cooling roller table, coil collection station, P/F cooling line and coil tying machine etc.

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