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Fuzhou Jinquan Metallurgical Machinery Equipment Co.,Ltd
Fujian Tianfeng Machinery Co., Ltd.
Address: No. 301, Xujia Village, Jingxi Town, Minhou County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China
Fuxing Avenue, Jinan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China
Supply steel hot wire rod rolling mill production line
Supply steel hot wire rod rolling mill production line
Customer want to build a wire rod mill, highly welcome you to contact Jinquan. Jinquan is an expert in this industry, we will offer you best quality products and best service.
We can provide customer with high speed wire rod rolling mill line and common wire rod rolling mill line for different capacity, and we need requirements information from customers, like day capacity, wire rod size range, and billets size, these three foundamental information is helpful for us to provide you with solutions.
Like for high speed wire rod mill for big capacity, like above 500,000t per year, we will design to use housingless mill stands.
In order to meet the production needs of small section steel, bar and wire, realize high yield and high quality. The small rolling mill has undergone great changes in its own structure or in the transmission mode and the combination of racks. The main structural change is that the roll adopts four-row short cylindrical rolling bearings and tie rods between the upper and lower bearing housings, which eliminates the traditional arches, shortens the length of the stress line in the stand, and opens up a new way to improve the rigidity and precision of the rolling mill.
The short-stress rolling mill developed by Jinquan Metallurgical Machinery and Equipment has opened up a new way for the technical transformation of small rolling mills in my country, and various types of short-stress line rolling mills have appeared one after another. The rigidity and precision of the rolling mill are improved, the rolls of the whole machine are changed quickly, and the roll gap adjustment is convenient, which brings new vitality to these horizontal rolling mills.
The short-stress rolling mill is a kind of high-rigidity non-housing rolling mill. Because of its short stress line, high rigidity, high product accuracy, good centering adjustment performance, rapid replacement of the rack, and long bearing life, it is the world’s most compact rolling mill today. Popular models, so they are widely used in metallurgical steel rolling systems.