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Fuzhou Jinquan Metallurgical Machinery Equipment Co.,Ltd

Fujian Tianfeng Machinery Co., Ltd. 


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Address: No. 301, Xujia Village, Jingxi Town, Minhou County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China
           Fuxing Avenue, Jinan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China


Mobile phone: +86 591 83629866、83622555

Fax:+86 591 83629866、83622555

365-630 three high openable housing top and bottom adjusting rolling mill


365-630 three high openable housing top and bottom adjusting rolling mill

Product description

Three high rolling mill machines is for not big capacity, and like in Indonesia, we have served more than 40 steel plants by using this three high rolling mill machines.


Introduciton for three high rolling mill machines: The openable mill housing consistes of casting mill housing frame and casting cover with top adjusting mechanism, tie rod, lock parts, this mill housing has the advantages of low manufacturing cost, easy to use and adjust etc, they are widely used in the breakdown and reciprocating rolling steel production line such as middle quality requirement, ordinary rods, rebars, structural steel,It can realize single stand reciprocating multichannel rolling, low construction investment; openable housing three high mill train consists of: three high mill stand body, base frame, universal coupling and its bracket, three gears distributer,gear reducer,main drive motor,lifting roller table on entrance of mill stand and roller table on export of mill stand; Mill stand body is mainly composed of: casting openable mill housing with top roll screwdown mechanism,roller system and its balabce device, bottom roll screwup mechanism, etc; According to different roll barrel diameter, the mill stand has specification of 630,550, 520, 450, 400, 365, 325,etc.;


To cooperating with the three high rolling mill machines, there are like, Ladder roller table behind breakdown mill, extend roller table behind breakdown mill, which cooperate well, and can roll product size, like 8-40mm rebar size. and highly highly customer to send us the detailed requirements, and we will design for you.

Jinquan is striving to serve more steel plants and offer best products and best after-sales services. In Fuzhou, we are waiting for customers' visiting.


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