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Fuzhou Jinquan Metallurgical Machinery Equipment Co.,Ltd

Fujian Tianfeng Machinery Co., Ltd. 


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Address: No. 301, Xujia Village, Jingxi Town, Minhou County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China
           Fuxing Avenue, Jinan District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China


Mobile phone: +86 591 83629866、83622555

Fax:+86 591 83629866、83622555



Section steel hot rolling mill production line

Product description

Hot rolled section steel production line

The rolling mill line products are for small or medium size angle steel, channel steel, steel I beam, flap steel, square steel, guide rail, hub steel, rockbolt etc., billet size are130×130~160×160×(3000-12000)mm. The roll speed is about 5-15m/s and the maximum annual output are 20,000~700,000 tons with the single line rolling.

The main equipment of the section steel production line are horizontal or vertical housing mill (or H/V housing less stands)of 610-350 size, pusher, discharger, start/stop type crop plying shear, dividing flying shear(or hot saw), apron board walking rake cooling bed, straightening machine, row up rack, cold dividing shear (or cold dividing saw), finishing machine, tying & collection machine etc.


Hot rolled H beam production line

Hot rolled H beam is a kind of economical section steel, widely used in industry, construction, bridge, oil drilling platform and other aspects, mainly used in industrial and civil structures in the beam, column components. The market demand has grown rapidly in recent years.


The small and medium size H beam production line mainly produces H100-400 (or 500) H-shaped steel, with the capacity of 150,000-700,000 tons/year, using billets 150x150x(10000~12000)mm, 180x180x(10000~12000)mm, 200x200x(10000~12000)mm or near-final H-section continuous casting billets.

Material: carbon structural steel, low alloy high strength structural steel, shipbuilding steel, high weathering steel, etc.

The rolling production line composed of universal rolling mill can produce not only H-shaped steel but also T-shaped steel, rail, I-beam, channel steel, steel sheet pile, Angle steel and so on.


Main equipment of H-beam production line:

Reheating furnace, high pressure water descaling, rolling mill (including horizontal/vertical mill and universal mill), on line profiler or caliper, dividing shears or saws, cooling bed, straightening machine, product marshalling bench, product size saw, palletizing bench, baling machine, weighing equipment, marking equipment, etc.

The JQ company is mainly engaged in the design and manufacture of small and medium-sized H-beam production line


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